Strem HQ Tuition Assistance Scholarship program

At Strem HQ our goal is to increase the number of future scientists, mathematicians and engineers and assist families that require financial help for outstanding students.
Selected students will be provided upto 50% scholarships for 2 half day or 1 full day week long summer camps at any of our Strem HQ locations. We have limited amount of scholarships available. Please note application does not guarantee a scholarship in order to help outstanding students .
To receive this scholarship students and families must fill out the scholarship application on our website. it is also recommended that families provide a teacher / principal referral and the student report card that preferably is sent from the teachers email.
Please note application deadline has been extended to Apr 10, 2019 , 11:59 pm due to spring break.
Scholarship emails will be sent out by Apr 25, 2019.